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Harmful Softwares 2022

  Software considered harmful In the sidebar on the left, you can find why i consider some points of the software bad. I don’t think minimalistic software is all the times better than bloated software. Sometimes “bloated” software is better than the alternatives. For example pale moon is more usable than surf. And sometimes extensions are useful so i don’t consider them harmful, problem is that how you write those extensions (if you read GNU source code, you’ll have a impulse to throw yourself into an active volcano). While, for example, BSD implemented those extensions in a sane way. Here’s a table with software i consider harmful and their alternaties Harmful things Less bad things KDE, Gnome i3, dwm, bspwm, Xfce Windows BSD, Linux, Haiku Vim, Vi Emacs, zile, jed YAML JSON, CVS, MacBooks Thinkpads, Toughbooks GCC clang, tcc Wayland X11 GTK, QT Tk, Curses Intel, Realtek ath9k Electron Throwing yourself to an active volcano, you c

What is Smishing and How to Protect Against it?

  Most people who use email somewhat regularly have heard about phishing and may even have some idea how to protect themselves against it (if you don’t here’s a good reminder on how to protect from an email-based phishing attack ). However, what a lot of folks don’t know is that phishing doesn’t have to come from only email. Although email is the most popular target for phishing attacks, phishing can also be done via text messages or SMS (smishing), phone calls (vishing), social networks direct messages (angler phishing), hypertexts (HTTPS phishing) and so on. In this article, we’ll explain what one of these phishing methods is, particularly smishing, how scammers target users via SMS messages and how to best protect against it. How Criminals Use SMS Messages for Fraud? One of the biggest dangers of smishing is that not that many people are actually familiar with it. According to the 2020 State of the Phish report by Proofpoint , less than 35% of the pop

Windows sucks I Backdoors I Interference I Sabotage

  Windows sucks Windows is proprietary software so you don’t have control over it. Instead micr*s*ft has control over YOU . The following Windows operating systems suck: Windows 9x Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8/8.1 Windows 10 Windows 11 Microsoft spies on you, puts ads on your system and charges you. Which should be illegal. In fact spying on you should be illegal. Windows comes with preinstalled programs you didn’t even asked for, which is true bloatware. More bloated than the Linux kernel. Windows sucks for development, you don’t have any equivalent to, for example /usr/include and you have to install bash/cygwin to get a “GNU/Linux feeling”. Microsoft really hates standards, their products used not to be compatible with most standards. Internet Explorer for example. GNU software doesn’t follows the standards at 100%, but GNU software does add something useful to the software instead of making it a pain in the ass. Backdoors Is not

Virtualmin Tips & Hacks | How to Setup, Integrate and Automate PHP-FPM & Nginx Reverse Proxy in Virtualmin Practical Full Guide

Chapter 1: Installing the Software If you have just installed Virtualmin on a stock server or VPS, you're probably running CentOS 6  at the time of this writing (October 2014). CentOS 7 has just been released recently, and Virtualmin support for it is not as matured or stable compared to CentOS 6   CentOS 6.5 (and 6.6)  ships with the following default software:           PHP 5.3.3  (this version of PHP has reached its end of life and is no longer supported by the PHP team)         MySQL 5.1.73  (a very old version of MySQL server. Current stable version is MySQL 5.5)         Apache 2.2.15  (although aged, it is considered one of the most stable version of Apache ever released. The RedHat/CentOS team is still actively maintaining it)   For the purpose of this book, we will be updating PHP to the latest stable 5.4 and upgrading the aged MySQL server to the current 5.5 from the “EPEL” and “REMI” repositories. We will also install “mod_fastcgi” which is required for Apache to “communi