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The secret of sabarimala makara jyothi | makara vilakku

The Sabarimala temple complex (circled) surrounded by forests, as seen from Ponnambalamedu, a hill-top east of the Sannidhanam. It is here that the Makarajyothi is traditionally sighted on Makaravilakku day. The square cement platform here, used to light fire, was built by the Travancore Devaswam Board in the 1990s, it has now been stated. This picture was taken in 2006 after an arduous climb through the shoal forest along with certain officials, with due permission. But since then it has become a highly restricted spot. Is the Makarajyothi man-made, the Kerala High Court asked on Thursday, about the phenomenon long associated with the climactic moment of the annual Makaravilakku pilgrim season at the Sabarimala shrine in Kerala. The Hindu on Friday posed the question before a number of prominent persons closely associated with, or seek to represent the interests of, the revered and ancient forest-shrine. The answer: it is indeed man-made. The president of the Travancore Devaswom Boa