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How to enable file versioning on Windows

Windows comes with many great built-in tools that, unfortunately, are hard to discover and even harder to use. One of these is its built-in file versioning tool called File History. Once set up, it can keep copies of old versions of all your files and documents. It can be incredibly useful to restore a previous version of a file or a folder after you’ve made an accidental change or deletion. “But I don’t use any files and folders on my PC!” Everything on your PC is stored in files in folders. You might not work with documents and spreadsheets, but file versioning is just as useful for your game-save files, source code, and photos. It can also be used with your application data to, for example, restore a deleted browser bookmark or email message. File History is also the closest Windows comes to protecting your files against data degradation (also known as “bit rot”). It’s satisfying to restore an earlier version of a file after it’s u

How to auto-lock your computer on a schedule (e.g. at bedtime)

I'm terrible at maintaining a consistent bedtime and often stay up on the computer late into the night. Admittedly, this is usually the time when I’m the most productive. I get so into things that I lose track of time. However, this bad habit makes it hard to get enough hours of sleep; something that’s not too good for the human body. Here's how to get your computer to lock the screen at bedtime and help any of you developer-types maintain a more consistent bedtime. iOS and Android have had some sort of “digital well-being” and time-management for about two years. These features are — among other things — designed to help you wind down at night and help you manage time and get enough sleep. It’s not a magic solution but its something that can be helpful. However, computers are lagging behind the trend and don’t offer the right tools. I wanted my computer to kick me out of my

Ahmia Search Tor Hidden Services : Afmia fi Tor search engine

            Ahmia's mission is to create the premier search engine for services residing on the Tor anonymity network. In doing so, we hope to share meaningful statistics, insights, and news about the Tor network and the Tor project. Contributors to Ahmia believe that the Tor network is an important and resilient distributed platform for anonymity and privacy worldwide. By providing a search engine for what many call the "deep web" or "dark net", Ahmia makes onion services accessible to a wide range of people, not just Tor network early adopters. Juha Nurmi, Ahmia Project Leader ) is the founder and project leader of the Ahmia search engine project. He is a security researcher, and has been involved in numerou

Best Phishing Tool Links

Modern phishing tool hidden eye  🔗 Link : Complete phishing tool 32 templates + 1 customizable  🔗 Link : Social media phishing with shellphish 🔗 Link : Advance Phishing OTP Bypass 🔗 Link : Paytm Phishing OTP Bypass 🔗 Link : UberEats Phishing OTP Bypass 🔗 Link : Whats App Phishing  🔗 Link : share and support us


  Dear readers, This Blog DOES NOT Promote or encourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided by This Blog is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only. ❇️ Pish web tool  🔗 Link : ❇️ MITM attack tool  🔗 Link : ❇️ kill shot pentesting framework 🔗 Link : ❗ Facebook Tool Links ❗ ❇️ Facebook information gathering 🔗 Link : git clone ❇️ Facebook Toolkit + bots, dump private data  🔗 Link : ❇️ Facebook cracking tool  🔗 Link : ❇️ Facebook and yahoo account cloner  🔗 Link : ❇️ Facebook report tool 🔗 Link : git clone ❇️ Facebook BruteFoRce Tool 🔗 Link : ⭕️ Facebook hacking ASU 🔗 Link : git clone https://github


Step 1⃣ Connect your android phone to you computer. Step 2⃣ Open Commande prompt administrator. Step 3⃣ Now in command prompt window type following code carefully adb shell cd/data/data/ sqlites settings.db update system set value=0 where name=’lockpatternautolock’; update system set value=0 where name=’lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently’; .quit Step 4⃣ Now you will see some screen and then you can reboot your phone and now when your android starts again, then try unlocking it using any random pattern and it will unlock and work pretty fine. Step 5⃣ If you face any problem repeat same steps but instead of the above code tru using adb shell rm/data/system/gesture . key and the press enter and now reboot your device to see if it works.

Shell vs Environment vs Persistent Variables

Variables   One of the first things that we need to cover is how to deal with variables. They were briefly talked about in the other chapters, but they will be cover in slightly more depth here. The variable functionality provides a way for the script to get input, store data temporarily, and display output to the user or sending data to a calling script. There are two categories that variables can be divided into:   Environment Variables: are maintained by the system, they are inherited by the current and any child shells or processes that are spawned.   Shell Variables: are contained exclusively within the shell in which they were set or defined. They are mostly used to keep track of temporal data, like the current working directory in a session.   Shell Variables   There are generally two types of shell variables. Those that are maintained by the system, and the others that are user defined for scripts or passing information into other commands, scripts or programs. As s

Setting up your virtual lab | Virtual box and OS Installing

One of the best ways to learn and test is to do so in a virtual environment. The overall benefits to this is low cost, reduced hardware requirements, and rapid recovery should we render one of our test machines into a nonresponsive state. A virtual lab can be created on just about anything, but personally I would recommend at least the following: Intel i5 (better or equivalent), minimum of 8 GB of ram (The higher the better), and a minimum drive size of 80 GB or larger (again the larger the better).   There are a number of applications that can be used for virtualization such a VMWare, VirtualBox, and Xen. For the purpose of this book we will be looking at setting up VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a free program from Oracle. It's capable of running on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris. Virtualbox is easy to use and updated often. The first thing that we will need to do is download the VirtualBox client onto the machine that we want to turn into our virtual machine. http

The phases of Hacking

Hacking is broken up into 5 phases: Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, and finally Clearing tracks. As a penetration tester we must follow two additional steps, obtaining written permission and reporting. Following and understanding these phases are critical to a successful penetration test. Let's dive in a little deeper and see what each phase means to us.   Written permission: Before we can start any penetration test we need to obtain written permission from a individual that has the proper authority to authorize our penetration test (CTO, CIO, CEO, etc.). As part of this documentation we must list clearly the scope of the project, expectations, hours of operation, participants, start and end date, who authorized the penetration test. Do not start any penetration test without this! This form is our "Get out of jail free" card should something go wrong or change. This also means that we must be very strict in staying within the writ

Hackers, Who are they and why do they do it?

Watching the typical popular media portrayal of a hacker you are likely to see a socially awkward goofy individual either working in some dark basement or high tech office with six 42" LCD screens linked together into one large screen with Matrix like code flowing across the screen as they furiously type away as they get ready to launch some world ending computer virus. Reading or watching the news is likely to be a similar fair with news of a new banking Trojan or hacker group that have stolen millions of bank account records, social security numbers, and the like. On the surface level, hackers are all really bad people that should be locked up, so why learn how to hack?   The truth is there are many different types of hackers, some of which are very important to the health and integrity of private and corporate networks.   According to the EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacking 9 certification hackers can be classified into 8 categories:   Black Hats: Individuals