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Showing posts from February, 2022

Virtualmin Tips & Hacks | How to Setup, Integrate and Automate PHP-FPM & Nginx Reverse Proxy in Virtualmin Practical Full Guide

Chapter 1: Installing the Software If you have just installed Virtualmin on a stock server or VPS, you're probably running CentOS 6  at the time of this writing (October 2014). CentOS 7 has just been released recently, and Virtualmin support for it is not as matured or stable compared to CentOS 6   CentOS 6.5 (and 6.6)  ships with the following default software:           PHP 5.3.3  (this version of PHP has reached its end of life and is no longer supported by the PHP team)         MySQL 5.1.73  (a very old version of MySQL server. Current stable version is MySQL 5.5)         Apache 2.2.15  (although aged, it is considered one of the most stable version of Apache ever released. The RedHat/CentOS team is still actively maintaining it)   For the purpose of this book, we will be updating PHP to the latest stable 5.4 and upgrading the aged MySQL server to the current 5.5 from the “EPEL” and “REMI” repositories. We will also install “mod_fastcgi” which is required for Apache to “communi

Why Windows failed to display Microsoft and Xbox sign-in dialogs

For about a year, I couldn’t use any Windows 10 apps or Xbox games that required me to sign in with a Microsoft Account. I also couldn’t add any email or other online accounts to my Windows account. For whatever reason, all the Microsoft Accounts Control and Windows Web Account Provider dialog windows refused to open. Whenever I clicked a button that was supposed to open these dialogs, I might see a brief white flash that hinted at the brief appearance of a dialog window. Most of the time, absolutely nothing happened. Deep-rooted problems with Windows are incredibly difficult to troubleshoot. When developing its software, Microsoft always assumes everything will work flawlessly all the time. Apps and system services rarely generate log files, report errors to the Events system, or even record diagnostics data about the problem. The Diagnostics Viewer reported to Microsoft that I’d opened the desired dialog for less than a millisecond

The HTML video element needs to go back on the drawing board

We’ve had the HTML <video> element for over a decade. Yet, everyone still defaults to embedding YouTube frames instead of hosting their own videos. The underlying problem is that the <video> element isn’t suitable for embedding short video files on webpages. Sure, the <video> element works great for large streaming platforms and tube sites. However, video is nowhere near as simple to use as other adaptive embedded media, such as responsive images. You need half an hour of learning to get started with responsive images. All you need for responsive images is to include a specially formatted list of an image in different sizes and file formats in your HTML document. The web browser uses the list to pick a format it supports at the right dimensions for the visitor’s device. Here’s a slightly simplified example: < picture > < source type = "image/avif"